
Exploring Human Potential

For All Health Professionals Now: “Connect the ‘DOTS’, Dump the ‘Hunch’ “

Mike Magee There isn’t a health professional (or financial professional for that matter) out there who didn’t shake her head last week when Dr. Trump expressed his “hunch” about Covid-19. Crises and panic breed in an environment of ignorance, loose lips, and misshaped priorities. “Hunches” make all responsible leaders shutter. Britain’s Adam Kucharski’s new book, […]

The Mask – When Not To Cover Up and Why.

Mike Magee If you want to know what American consumers are obsessing on these days, just check out Amazon searches. There you will discover that the tag “N95 mask” has had more than a million hits over the past month. It seems we have transferred all of our fears, and hopes of protecting ourselves and […]

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