
Exploring Human Potential

Coronavirus – an Opportunity to Pursue Global Health, Societal Justice, and Progress.

Mike Magee The emergence of the novel coronavirus, and its evolution into a pandemic threat, are sending shock waves across the globe. The discussions between government, academics, non-governmental organizations and industry reflect the common belief that no one sector can address such a complex challenge in isolation.  The rapid advance of technology and human migration […]

Young, Liberal, Silicon Savvy – Why did they join Juul?

Mike Magee In late 2018, young tech-savvy future entrepreneurs streamed into the offices of e-cigarette start-up Juul. Four thousand strong, they were attracted by the $38 billion valuation and the promise of stock sharing in the high-flying techie new business with moral cover – a mission to make cigarette smoking obsolete. At their Christmas party […]

Coronavirus: Best Seat On My Flight?

Mike Magee Flights of US air carriers Delta, American and United to China have been cancelled until further notice, and travelers who have been in China within the past 2 weeks have had their entry into the US curtailed. But for the rest of us who are going to fly, what’s the the best spot […]

When The Wool Is Pulled Over Your Eyes (Again) … IT’s Not Exactly “Breaking News”!

Mike Magee In this age of hucksterism and “fake news”, we Americans need to accept the fact that we’re too easy a mark, too naïve, too corruptible. And don’t blame our elected leaders – they’re simply a reflection of us. Just take a look at our health care system, overrun with profiteering, one of only […]

Tony Fauci Video On The Novel Coronavirus

In this JAMA podcast, Tony Fauci provides a measured update on the novel coronavirus that jumped from animals to humans, its current severity, and appropriate public health measures underway. Listening time: 27 minutes.

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