
Exploring Human Potential

Placing Coronavirus In Public Health Perspective

Mike Magee The big news this week is the new coronavirus spreading across the globe compliments of China. Prevention efforts are challenging and depend on limiting human contact with and transmission of the virus in a globally connected world. Even in the US, fear and panic spread faster than a wildfire. In response to a […]

Johns Hopkins MBA Bets Future On Ever-Expanding Medical-Industrial Complex

Mike Magee What do you do if you are a highly ranked university, with one of the best nursing, medical and public health schools in the country, and applications for entry into your traditional 2-year MBA program have declined 14% over the past 5 years? Well, the obvious answer is, you go out and hire […]

MLK, Cuba, and Trumpian Values.

Mike Magee We just returned from a 11-day trip with Road Scholars to Cuba. During the trip, Trump announced new restrictions on travel to the island. Last year’s elimination of cruise ships and flights to all cities except Havana shaved nearly 10% off tourism. The day of this latest offensive, a Cuban professor gave us […]

Smart Politicians Are Discovering Family Caregivers.

Mike Magee The 2020 elections are right around the corner – and the fight for advocates and constituents among the candidates is already engaged. Seniors have always been a target. But what about their caregivers? A new survey sheds light on the politics of this constituency. Conducted Oct. 21 to Oct. 26, 2019, by Hart […]

Letting Academic Physicians Off The Hook.

Mike Magee In 2004, when I read Dr. Marcia Angell’s book, “The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It”, I agreed with everything she wrote. How couldn’t I? At the time, I had a front row seat inside the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and managed a substantial […]

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