The WHO’s “Triple Billion” Project
Posted on | May 7, 2019 | Comments Off on The WHO’s “Triple Billion” Project
Mike Magee
The WHO just released in most recent 5 year strategic plan. The plan in anchored in three “billion” labeled goals:
- Increase the number of glabal citizens with universal health coverage.
- Protecting 1 billion more citizens during health emergencies.
- Ensuring health and well-being for 1 billion more citizens.
To reach these onjectives, the WHO have outlined 10 Critical factors contributing to the planets global burden of disease. They are:
- Air Pollution and Climate Change
- Non-communicable Diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
- Prevent an Influenza Pandemic.
- Address 1.6 billion who survive in “fragile settings” due to drought, famine, conflict, and forced migration.
- Delay the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
- Address Ebola and other high-threat pathogens.
- Enhance and extend reliable primary care networks.
- Ensure mass population wide vaccination.
- Address the 390 million mosquito borne infections due to Dengue Fever each year.
- Extend prophylaxis and early treatment of HIV.
These challenges are amplified by the growing levels of isolationism, hostility toward at-risk migrating populations, intolerance and hatred – home grown and otherwise. In short, the issue is human behavior not lagging science. We humans have created the crisis. Health care is built on three pillars – compassion, understanding, and partnership. Vulnerable populations are calling out in quiet desperation – “Give us more of that!”