
Exploring Human Potential

What Uwe Reinhardt (or Angus Deaton) Would Say About HC Costs.

Mike Magee A March 13, 2018 article written by scholars from the London School of Economics and published in JAMA focused on an all too familiar subject – comparative health care costs in America. That article was accompanied by a number of editorial reaction pieces including the one written by Zeke Emanuel who generated the […]

How Trump May Help Us Liberalize American Health.

Mike Magee In this week’s The New Yorker, David Remnick reflects on “Trump’s illiberalism” and its’ test of the resilience of  “sturdy-seeming American values” and the endurance of  “institutions that the President has scorned and threatened.” He sees active turnout in the 2018 midterm elections as part of the test, but also suggests that any […]

Hospital Obsolescence or Hospital Reinvention?

Mike Magee Two weeks ago Zeke Emanuel asked the question “Are hospitals becoming obsolete?” In his New York Times Op-Ed he flagged the high water mark for the industry as 1981, a year when 6,933 hospitals nationwide admitted 39 million patients or 171 for every 1000 Americans. Thirty five years later, our population has grown […]

The Basics of Pharma Kickbacks – Opaque & Complex

Mike Magee With great fanfare, the New York Times announced this week that UnitedHealthcare   “would stop keeping millions of dollars in discounts it gets from drug companies and share them with its customers.” For awhile, pharma, insurers, pharmacies and PBMs have been pointing fingers at each other over escalating costs. That’s become more difficult of […]

How Long Will You Live? Check Your Zip Code.

RWJF has created this interactive tool which looks at life expectancy by Zip Code. Check it out HERE.

The Simplification Movement in American Healthcare

CDC Obesity Map Mike Magee As the debate over health care in America rages on, the great lie oft repeated but never defended is that our system is exceptional and too complex to wrestle to the ground. That is the breech, reinforced over half a century that has left our citizens and now our entire […]

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