
Exploring Human Potential

Parkland Teens Teach “Positive Leadership”! Mike Magee At this time of year my wife and I always try to see the movies nominated for an Academy Award. Recently  we saw Darkest Hour, up for Best Picture as well as a Best Actor nod to Gary Oldman in his role as Winston Churchill. The film begins with Dunkirk and the […]

Health Reform – Is This a 1960s Moment?

Mike Magee Quietly rising out of the ashes of the Republican led campaign to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, are pragmatic efforts, not focused on “if”, but focused on “how” and “when” the U.S. will join all other developed nations and provide all of her citizens with affordable, high-quality care. Last week, a […]

Health Coverage “Black Eye” Needs a #MeToo Wake-Up Call.

Mike Magee It came as no surprise to #MeToo’ers across the nation that Gen. John Kelly expressed “shock” about Rob Porter’s eye-blackening abuse of his first wife, of which he was informed months before; any more than they were taken aback that Mike Pence fell back on his now well-worn defense, “This is the first […]

Hiding In America’s “Deep Poverty Problem” is Health Care.

Mike Magee Angus Deaton, the Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate who documented the tie between America’s raging prescription opioid epidemic and the first multi-year decline in U.S. life expectancy in our history, has done it again. This time it’s America’s poor in a New York Times Op-ed title “The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From […]

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