
Exploring Human Potential

Santa’s Message on Health

Mike Magee “Dear Quinn, Luca and Charlotte, Thank you for believing in my magic. I hope you will always believe in magic.  Believe in the magic of family. There are times you will stumble, but your family will always be by your side.  Believe in the magic of laughter. It will keep you whole.  Believe […]

The MIC Circular Firing Squad

Mike Magee If you want to see the Medical-Industrial Complex (MIC) in full “circular firing squad” mode, simply check out the recent Energy & Commerce Committee hearings on soaring drug prices hosted by chairman Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR). Delivering tough talk to committee members, he said, “Consider yourself on [the working group] if you’re on […]

Stains Outlast Gains as Industry Encroaches on Physician Prescribing Power

  Opioid Czar & Czarina Mike Magee When the AMA helped empower Purdue Pharma funded Pain Management by granting specialty status in its’ Federation in the 1980s– and with that legitimacy of pain as the “5th vital sign”; and when everyday physicians (especially primary care physicians who were targeted by Purdue Pharma) became easy marks […]

As CEO Profits Soar, Why Are More and More Of Their Employees Underinsured?

Mike Magee Employees across America are discovering that money is tight this Christmas, in large part because they are on the hook for rising out-of-pocket health care costs. But as the rising trend line above well-illustrates, their CEO’s pockets are overflowing with cash, and their health plans are Cadillac or better. This is the season […]

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