
Exploring Human Potential

Is Our American Culture Sick?

Mike Magee Yesterday, for the first time ever, a UK Prime Minister openly criticized an American President. But is the problem just Trump, or is it our American culture? Earlier last month, conservative columnist, David Brooks, in the New York Times, suggested as much when he wrote, “The first step in launching our own revival […]

Topic For Thanksgiving: “Principles – discuss!”

Mike Magee This Thanksgiving, more than most, our country finds itself reaching for guidance and direction. I offer my own thoughts, and those of my muses for consideration. “Principles” – discuss. _______________________________________________________ The principles most people aspire to live by come quite naturally to mind because they simply feel right, or sound right to the […]

Career Ladder Bias: “How To Succeed” Inside The Medical-Industrial Complex.

Mike Magee In 2004, when I read Dr. Marcia Angell’s book, “The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It”, I agreed with everything she wrote. How couldn’t I? At the time, I had a front row seat inside the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and managed […]

What’s the best specialty for a medical student who wants to be a progressive politician?

Mike Magee If you are a medical student and aspire to be a progressive political leader as well, what might be the best specialty tract to pursue? You could chose pediatrics as Ralph Northam did, and receive your training in the military, retiring at age 33 as a major and then become a pediatric neurologist […]

What Friedman and Sandel and Desmond (and Maine) Know About Our Nation’s Health.

Niger and Waco Mike Magee We wake this morning to news that Maine voters have overrode their own governor and expanded ACA Medicaid, and Virginia voters have rejected a Trumpian appeal. As we begin to turn the corner, we need to be certain we don’t simply return to neutral but instead understand and execute progress. […]

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