
Exploring Human Potential

The U.S. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain – The Gray and Black Market

    Mike Magee With the U.S. Pharmaceutical supply chain, what you see is not what you get. As we saw last week there are roughly 4 1/2 billion prescriptions filled each year. Just under 50% of American residents have filled 1 prescription in the past 30 days. The 1st Tier drug supply chain above […]

The U.S. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain – Seen and Unseen

Mike Magee Complexity is the friend of the Medical Industrial Complex. Whether hospital, insurer, organized medicine, pharmaceutical or government agency, profitability, market advantage and career advancement can be found in the cracks of the deliberately Byzantine network. For those intent on regulating or managing the American system as it is, just understanding and unraveling the […]

American Health Care’s “Original Sin”

Mike Magee As a young surgeon in rural New England, serving farmers and mountain people on the Massachusetts/Vermont border, my growing interest in health management was fueled by two luminaries – one 90 miles to the north and the other 90 miles to the east. One was fast at work mining Medicare databases to expose […]

U.S. Only Nation to Spend More on Health Care than on Social Spending.

Strikingly, this 2015 Commonwealth Survey of 13 OECD nations reveals that the U.S. is the only nation whose spending on health care exceeds its spending on social services (housing assistance, employment programs, disability benefits, and food security).High health spending in the US appears to have crowded out other forms of social spending that contribute to […]

How Sick Is My County?

New Interactive Maps: Check Mortality Rate in Your County Here.

Lickspittle Support For Trumpcare.

Peggy Noonan Mike Magee Today the Republican House voted against their own self-interest by caving to Trumpcare. In doing so, they failed to heed conservative columnist Peggy Noonan’s advise from just a week ago. In her opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, she wrote “Being loyal isn’t being a lickspittle.” This of course sent […]

The Insurance Agent Dilemma – Key to the Single Payer Solution.

Mike Magee Since the election of Donald Trump we’ve been reminded – twice – that opposition to the ACA or Obamacare is real and alive. And yet, it is equally clear that Americans in majority numbers now believe that health care is a right and they are in no mood to give back access or […]

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