Who’s The Most Important Doctor-Politician in America?
Dr. Barbara Bollier Mike Magee “I’m about health-care’d out.” Those are the words of Sen. Pat Roberts (R.,Kan.) One can understand his exhaustion. After all, seven years of relentless opposition to the ACA have ended in defeat. The leader, Mitch McConnell, of this effort acknowledged as much last week when he said “It’s pretty obvious […]
Trump Immigration Impact On Health
Source Material
Medicaid: The Base For Single Payer Health Care?
“Don’t mess with my Medicaid!” That was clearly the takeaway for Republican legislators heard as they met with hometown crowds in the lead up to their historic Trumpcare defeat. Whether they have “given up the ghost” only time will tell. But as the facts below suggest, going back at Medicaid today means attacking a program […]
Giving Up The Ghost: Republican State Legislators Begin To Acquiesce to Medicaid Expansion.
Mike Magee In a recent analysis of the U.S. and Canadian health care systems, two things were clear. First, Canada Health Care was planned, and our’s just happened. And second, both nations favored regional over federal delivery systems. In the U.S., that meant a strong bias toward state management, while in Canada the provinces and […]
Deplorable Conditions and “Deaths of Despair” Trap Trump Loyalists.
Mike Magee As the House leadership twists arms today, the noose is getting tighter by the minute around the necks of the most loyal Trump voting block – white males with only a high school education or less. As the twisted deliberations over a deeply flawed bill progress, Brookings is hosting the Nobel Prize winning […]
Tonight’s Reading Material For Republican Legislators.
Mike Magee Since the Republicans have stalled today in their eight year pursuit to repeal Obamacare, perhaps they should take the night off, and relax by reading UNC professor Jonathan Oberlander’s NEJM advice on next steps. Here are a few selections to whet your appetite: Romney Care Origins: “The ACA is a conservative reform model […]
Making America Red Again?
Commonwealth Fund Study, 2017
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