
Exploring Human Potential

Canada vs. U.S. Health – Report Card

Mike Magee In 2007, the Cambridge based National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), self-defined as “the nation’s leading nonprofit economic research organization”, produced a singularly myopic white paper comparing the U.S. and Canadian health care systems. Noting that Canada is a “single-payer and mostly publicly-funded system” while the U.S. is a “multi-payer, heavily private system”, […]

The Canadian Health Care System: The Migration Myth

Mike Magee During the Hillary Clinton health care debate of the 1990’s, our approach to health care delivery was compared to multiple other nations – including Canada. Supporters of our status quo worked hard to emphasize other nations differences and weaknesses. The criticism of Canada, which even then was registering demonstrably better outcomes at a […]

The Canadian Health Care System – Choices Made (Vs. U.S.) in 1947, 1957, 1964, 1984.

Mike Magee America’s attention is once again on health reform. Even as Republican governors preach caution, the Republican controlled Congress continues to vow to repeal the Affordable Care Act and turn Medicaid into block grants. The U.S. doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to health policy decisions. Compared to Canada, we’ve […]

Indiana University’s Aaron Carroll Debunks US Prejudices Toward Canadian Health Care

Source: The Atlantic Press Here

Off-Label Prescribing – Where Lupron is the Rule, Not the Exception – and Doctors Never Have To Say They’re Sorry.

Credit: U. Michigan Health Lab Mike Magee After a remarkably turbulent decade in the shadows of America’s Medical Industrial Complex – a span that has witnessed the creation of a manmade opioid epidemic, the treatment of thousands of 2 and 3 year old’s with Adderall, the placement of EpiPen’s out of the financial reach of […]

Channeling New Jersey’s “Bridgegate” – The Muslim Ban “Shock Event” Undermines Safety and Security in America.

Heather Richardson, Boston College Mike Magee When Republicans waved through Tom Price this week, the AMA & AAMC got exactly what they desired.  Business interests trumped their highest ideals. But as my father used to say, “Careful what you wish for.” In achieving their ethically compromised goal, they tied themselves to the Trump/ Bannon regime. […]

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