
Exploring Human Potential

Fundamental Malpractice Reform Requires National Rational HC System

President-Elect and HHS Nominee Mike Magee President-Elect Trump announced today his nomination of Congressman Tom Price for HHS Secretary. Dr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon, steeped in organized medicine politics, has a conservative record of supporting small government, state’s rights, and malpractice reform. But if he truly wants to address medical liability and its impact on […]

Where Will America Find Corporate Citizenship When She Needs It Most?

Mike Magee We live in a world of false narratives – where words lose their meaning – and therefore their predictive value. Appeals to be open-minded compete with requests for vigilance. One would like to believe that sanity will prevail, but if that were routinely true, we would not need checks and balances. In America, […]

President-Elect Trump’s “Better Way”: Expanding Managed Medicaid or Medicare for ALL or….?

Image: KFF Mike Magee This is the week for speculation, especially when it comes to insuring the health of U.S. citizens. With President Obama’s departure, the Affordable Care Act is clearly at risk. The Republicans, with Paul Ryan at the helm, have attempted to challenge the bill over 50 times since its’ inception, the last […]

The Future of Physician Prescribing: An Historical Perspective

Mike Magee The right to prescribe medicines has been a privilege granted by our society with near exclusivity to physicians. It has been actively protected from encroachment by physician organizations usually on the basis that the physicians education and training is clearly superior to others and translates into better prescribing decisions. This privilege has also […]

Substituting Robust Marketing For Scientific Evidence: Industry Pursues Legal “Free Hand” For Off-Label Promotion.

SOURCE: OFF LABEL: A FILM Mike Magee Over the past fourteen years, the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. has successfully beaten back proposals to allow drug reimportation from Canada. These proposals were advanced by multiple members of Congress and big city mayors, and were supported by the majority of Americans. But President Bush, in negotiations […]

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