
Exploring Human Potential

Testosterone: Another Case of Physician Enabled Drug Abuse

Ad From Mike Magee Is testosterone the next Oxycontin? It certainly has many of the same earmarks. It’s widespread abuse is being aided and abetted by sloppy prescribers. Its’ benefits are being exaggerated and its’ risks understated. It is associated with heavy marketing by pharmaceutical companies and a range of profit seeking intermediaries. And […]

Predicting the Future of Obamacare Post-Election: Wilensky and Oberlander

Gail Wilensky and Jonathan Oberlander Mike Magee Negative leaders can deny change, resist it, ignore it – for a period of time. But they can’t escape it. And inevitably, they are eventually overtaken by it. Witness the current Trump dilemma. The leadership of the Republican party, following the defeat in the 2012 election, correctly acknowledged […]

Uninsured Rates Vary Geographically. The Election Could Change That.

The national uninsured rate is at its lowest – 8.6% of the population. But pockets of hold-outs exist nationwide. WalletHub’s analysts compared the 2016 rates for 548 U.S. cities as well as the 50 states then broke down the figures by age, race/ethnicity and income level. J. Oberlander, in this week’s NEJM, has projected that […]

An FDA Golden Voucher That’s Too Good To Be True.

Mike Magee Thirty-six years ago, as Ronald Reagan assumed the presidency, Congress cried “uncle”, in the face of America’s perceived global non-competitiveness in pharmaceuticals. They had been convinced by the persistent voices of Louis Lasagna and University of Chicago economist Sam Perltzman that there was a “drug lag” in America, and that it was the […]

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