
Exploring Human Potential

50Th Anniversary of OAA: Why Feeding Seniors Still Makes Financial Sense.

Mike Magee By now, most of my readers have heard that this is the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid. But some of you may be unaware that it is also the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act. The what? The Older Americans Act of 1965 was signed by LBJ. Its’ goal was to […]

Retail Medical Clinics – The Disruptive Impact of Walmart

Mike Magee Mike Magee This week’s NEJM article on the expansion of retail clinics in the U.S. begins: “ In a tumultuous era of change propelled by public health policies and private entrepreneurial activity, the spread of retail clinics offering basic primary care, walk-in visits, extended hours, and lower prices than a doctor’s office or […]

The President Drives the 2015 White House Conference on Aging.

Mike Magee If summertime is normally marked by a sleepy Washington news cycle, than 2015 will stand out for many years as a distinct anomaly. Between marriage equality, the trade agreement, the survival of the Affordable Care Act, and now the Iran agreement, it would be very easy to miss other notable events that have […]

Is “Amazing Grace” Mediated Through The Placebo Neurobiologic Effect?

Source: Chronicle Mike Magee This week, Ted Kaptchuk and Franklin Miller published a seminal article in the New England Journal of Medicine titled, “Placebo Effects in Medicine”. I believe it will be remembered for many years, not for its scientific insights, which are considerable, but for its’ theologic, sociologic, and historical revelations, buried deep […]

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