
Exploring Human Potential

AMA Relieved

Steven J. Stack, MD President “The American Medical Association (AMA) is relieved that today’s Supreme Court decision will allow millions of patients to continue accessing the health care they need and deserve. “Physicians know that the uninsured live sicker and die younger so the AMA has been a leading voice in support of expanding health insurance […]

Scientific Literacy – Critical in a Capitalistic, Free Society.

Mike Magee This week the FDA announced that they are finally banning Trans Fats though food companies have three years to comply, which means three years to lobby for delay or repeal of the ruling. Fundamental to the ineffectual delayed response has been purposeful confusion sown by the very organizations that invented these “foods” and […]

King v. Burwell – Thursday, 10 AM. Friday’s Question For Presidential Candidates: “What’s Your Plan Now?”

Mike Magee According to the official blog of the Supreme Court of the United States, this Thursday at 10 AM, we can expect some decisions coming down in the much publicized case, King v. Burwell. But while many Americans have vaguely heard of the case, few understand exactly what the case is about, and what […]

The Microbial Threat: Why The White House Is Engaged.

Image Credit:Medical Mike Magee Infectious diseases are all the rage these days. Bird flu and MERS outbreaks are back in the news. Hepatitis C is pervasive in the Appalachian states, tick-borne Lyme disease is heading north and coliform bacteria is finding its way onto college toothbrushes in CT. Water is being boiled in Utah, Blue Bell ice […]

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