
Exploring Human Potential

Brookings Invitation

  Assessing the Affordable Care Act’s efficacy, implementation, and policy implications five years later. Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM (EST) 
The Brookings Institution, Falk Auditorium, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20036 RSVP Attend        RSVP Webcast The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, most commonly known as the Affordable […]

There is always time to choose compassion

source Meredith Magee Donnelly There are a few moments in my life that I will cherish forever. The birth of my daughters was not a beautiful, calm experience. They were going to be born 6 weeks early, because of the anatomy of my spine the epidural wouldn’t go in, and after thirty horrific minutes of […]

Affordable Care Act. “The Sky is Falling!” No It’s Not.

Mike Magee Since the signing and implementation of the Affordable Care Act, with its successful provision of  coverage for millions of uninsured and expansion of Medicaid in participating states, there has been a constant stream of warnings of impending disasters of various sorts. It will break the bank! Early results show the opposite to be […]

Sunny Days

Mike Magee So here’s my back yard with 9 days left in March. But I choose not to focus on the snow, but rather the sun – which is shinning today, and will soon lead to a short New England spring and a beautiful New England summer. But the sunny season for many has come […]

Status Report – 27 Months After Newtown.

Mike Magee December 14, 2012 seems a long time ago – 27 months ago tomorrow. That is when 20 young souls, age 6 and 7, were shot down in Newton, CT. Two days after the tragedy, I wrote: “Did we as a nation do all that was possible to avoid the disaster in Newtown, CT? […]

Why Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Matters: Transparency and Health.

  Mike Magee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to avoid the transparency that was assured by the Freedom of Information Act should be of concern to all Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike. If this is true for the general public, it goes doubly for anyone concerned with improving the health of our […]

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