
Exploring Human Potential

Planning for Evil vs. Planning for Goodness: Why Medicine Should Embrace the Social Sciences.

Mike Magee An article by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen in last week’s New York Times Sunday Review, “How Auschwitz Is Misunderstood”, created a dramatic contrast to an address I delivered a few days earlier at a New York liberal arts college titled “Closing The Empathy Gap: Leveraging Healthcare Relationships”. Goldhagan’s major point was that the widely […]

Your Annualized Personalized Health Check-up

Ralph Snyderman M.D. In a January 10, 2015 editorial in the NewYork Times, Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel derides the annual physical exam as a multi-billion dollar waste of time.  The exam in current practice is indeed ineffective in preventing disease and reflects the inadequacy of a reactive approach to health care which costs almost $3 trillion/year of […]

A Young Man in the Mold of Martin Luther King

Video Today is Martin Luther King Day. On the government site that honors this federal holiday, it says: “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ‘Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?’ Each year, Americans across the country answer that question by coming together on the King Holiday to […]

White House Conference on Aging: How To Get Involved

The White House Conference on Aging has announced the five regional forums that will lead up to the summer 2015 conference. The regional forums will take place in the following cities: Tampa, FL, February 19th Phoenix, AZ, March 31st Seattle, WA, April 9th Cleveland, OH, April 27th Boston, MA, May 28th Read more from Cecilia […]

The 2005 White House Conference on Aging: Ten Years Later

2015 White House CoA Mike Magee, MD We are rapidly approaching a 2015 White House Conference on Aging. It will mark the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, and the 80th anniversary of the Social Security Act. (1) A decade ago, in preparation for the 2005 event(2), and as a commissioner on the National Commission on […]

Collapsing Databases in Health Care

Mike Magee Three enormous health databases are in the process of going virtual or electronic. The first of these is the Clinical Research Database or CRD. On the back end of the Vioxx withdrawal, conflict of interest concerns, and legitimate health consumer desires for early access to discovery information, major research databases moved toward open transparency. […]

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