
Exploring Human Potential

Techmanity in 2015

Mike Magee Massachusetts has just announced that its physicians will now be required to demonstrate competency in Electronic Health Records.(1) But the potential for good in a marriage of Medicine and Technology goes far beyond individual acceptance and competency. I call that potential, “Techmanity”. Back in 1983, Dr. John A. Benson, Jr., then President of […]

Positive Medicine Credo: A Higher Calling

Mike Magee I was recently asked about the Medical Journalism Code of Ethics referenced in JAMA in 1992. One of the grounding documents on which that Code was based was the original Positive Medicine Credo which I wrote in 1986. Rereading it now, some two decades later, I believe it remains relevant as a series […]

“Eric Garner’s Death Highlights America’s Empathy Gap”

  Michael Magee, CEO, Mayoral Academies I have been struggling to put into words the range of emotions set off by the death of Eric Garner and others in the recent past. What is there left to say? Then this morning, I read an editorial in the Providence Journal written by my son, Michael, which […]

COSTCO, Adam Smith, and Healing America.

Mike Magee Today, on CNBC, highest cudos went to COSTCO’s, not simply for exceeding expectations with a 7% year-over-year growth, but for having the lowest employee turnover of any major retail business in the United States. COSTCO’s founder was well known for saying he purposefully paid his employees way above a living wage (because it […]

My Father’s 100th Birthday: Why I Love Him.

Mike Magee My father was born on December 5, 1914. Today is his 100th Birthday. And although he died on September 15, 1998, and my mother some three years earlier while caring for him, there is rarely a day that goes by that I do not think of them. What do I love about my […]

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