
Exploring Human Potential

America’s Scientific Bipolarism – “Woe Is Me.” vs. “Yes We Can!”

SOURCE: HHMI NEWS Videos Mike Magee As ISIS and Ebola “take over the world” (or at least the hearts, minds, and fears of the planet’s human inhabitants), it is easy to be drawn into a downward mental spiral. This morning’s news features an MSF doctor, just back from treating Ebola patients in Guinea, travelling on […]

Is The US Prepared For Ebola – Special JAMA Article

  A special article in JAMA explores what went wrong in Dallas. It opens this way: “The West African Ebola epidemic is a humanitarian crisis and a threat to international security.1 It is not surprising that isolated cases have emerged in Europe and North America, but a large outbreak in the United States, with its […]

Joint Statement on Ebola – AMA, AHA and ANA

JOINT STATEMENT FROM THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND THE AMERICAN NURSES ASSOCIATION As our nation’s strategy to address the Ebola virus continues to evolve, hospitals and their partners in nursing and medicine are coming together to emphasize that a solution-oriented, collaborative approach to Ebola preparedness is essential to effectively manage care […]

Patient Information Sheet on Ebola: Thank You JAMA

JAMA Patient Information on EBOLA

Ebola Crisis Communications Out Of Control: Time Again For Tony Fauci

Ashoka Mukpo, source/DailyMail UK Mike Magee With the announcement this morning that Nancy Snyderman and her Ebola infected free lance photographer, Ashoka Mukpo, are on their way back to the states from Liberia in a private corporate jet, fundamental questions about transmission of Ebola are being raised. The current situation rings the same crisis communication […]

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