
Exploring Human Potential

Sun Primer

image: NOAA Mike Magee The sunny season has arrived, and for many it’s “sunfusion” – sunlight confusion. Is sun exposure good or bad? Let’s start here: Sun Beds (tanning salons) – bad.(1) But what about everyday natural sun? On the positive side: boosts Vitamin D (may protect against diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases), elevates […]

CDC Ranking of Top Ten Least Active States

CDC now ranks population level activity rates state by state. Here are the top ten least active states with % of inactive population Mississippi: 36% Tennessee: 35.1% West Virginia: 35.1% Louisiana: 33.8% Alabama: 32.6% Oklahoma: 31.2% Arkansas: 30.9% Kentucky: 29.3% Indiana: 29.2% Missouri: 28.4%

Sex, Coverage and Gender Bias: Being “Hobby-Lobbied”!

David and Barbara Green/Hobby Lobby Mike Magee In its 5-4 decision in favor of Evangelical Christian purveyor of all things crafty, Hobby Lobby, the conservative male contingency of the Supreme Court managed to both engage and enrage all sides in the culture wars of a half century past. With the decision, “closely held” (whatever that […]

Are Doctors Afraid To Touch Patients?

Mike Magee Where do I begin? When I read the JAMA title last week, “Banning the handshake from the health care setting”, my immediate reaction was, “Seriously, have we gone this far?” Then I read the dispassionate opening, “The handshake represents a deeply established social custom. In recent years, however, there has been increasing recognition […]

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