
Exploring Human Potential

Deconstructing Humana’s New Health Gap Ad.

Mike Magee If you google the term “income gap”, you get near 72 million hits – not surprising considering the financial disaster of 2008, the non-punishment of banking execs (visible once again with this week’s publication of Tim Gaitner’s book), and the “Occupy Wall Strett” movement with it’s aftermath. How can you top “income gap”? […]

“It’s Changing Slowly. It’s Changing Slowly…It Changed!”

Mike Magee In a recent article in The New Yorker by Amy Wild, readers are introduced to award winning female architect Jeanne Gang who designed the acclaimed Aqua tower in Chicago. Gang’s specialty is the relationship between nature and culture, which helps explain the article’s deep dive into the issue of captive dolphins and aquarium […]

Palliative Care: Connecting The Dots Between Home Care and Hospice

Mike Magee In recent years I have frequently written about and discussed the need for a “parallel build-out” in order to achieve truly preventative care in the United States.(1) This refers to the challenge on the one hand of better managing our current burden of chronic disease in mostly older Americans, while at the same […]

“You” Are Not You, But “We”: How The Microbiome May Change Everything.

Mike Magee In 2003, I was moderating a Q&A session with Craig Venter, the American biologist and entrepreneur of DNA mapping fame. On behalf of the audience, I asked him what percentage of the knowledge required to optimally care for human beings did we currently possess. His unhesitant response?  “Less than one percent.” Over the […]

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