
Exploring Human Potential

What My Friend, Eli Ginsberg, Had To Say About “Special Generalists”.

Eli Ginzberg Mike Magee Recently I’ve been reflecting on the need for “special generalists”, people who possess unique skills and attributes, but also the wisdom and insight to place that knowledge within the context of history, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology. These types of leaders not only know what needs to be done, but also why […]

Listening Roadtrip on Education: A Model for Health Care?

Marc Porter Magee Ever wonder if people in New England think differently about education than people in the South? The West vs. the Midwest? We did and the result is 50CAN’s Education Roadtrip, an interactive journey through the education views of 6,400 Americans across the eight major regions of the country. The idea for this project […]

The 62 Billion Dollar Question: Can Health Care Overcome Geography?

Mike Magee Sixty-two billion. That is what Medicare spent in 2012 on post-acute care. (1,2) “Post-Acute Care” is the term applied to various types of intermediate care provided to newly released patients from an acute care hospital. The care is provided by home health agencies in the home or by brick and mortar employees at […]

Home Health Care: Meeting The Patient Half Way.

Mike Magee In a 2013 article in JAMA, Steve Landers laid out the argument for money following the patient. Destination? Home, where family caregivers and others are increasingly doing their best to manage health care complexity. In the article Landers states: “Most older Americans want to age in place. The Medicare home health benefit is […]

Duke’s “Institute For Health Innovations”: Better Models For Care

Ralph Snyderman ORIGINAL SOURCE “The contentious debate on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has focused on health care choice, cost, access and, most recently, the too-low percentage of younger enrollees needed to cover insurance costs. The fundamental need to fix the expensive, inefficient way health care is delivered also needs attention. Offering millions […]

Message To AAFP 2014 “Winter Cluster”: Connectivity + Mobility = Reach.

Mike Magee The American Academy of Family Physicians convenes its’ “Winter Cluster” today. This is a 3 day opportunity for Family Medicine oriented student and resident representatives from Family Medicine chapters around the U.S. to meet and dialogue with Academy officers and Board members. The intent: To chart the future of Family Medicine. The AAFP […]

Connection? Obamacare Job Impact & FDR “Court Packing” Case of 1937.

Mike Magee What do the latest CBO report on potential job losses associated with Obamacare have in common with the FDR “Court Packing” plan of 1937? I’m about to answer that question. First a word on the CBO report.(1) It was released yesterday. The report suggests that the law will lead to a decrease of […]

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