
Exploring Human Potential

A Model of Cooperation and Teamwork For Healthcare – Unlocking Human Potential.

Posted on | January 17, 2014 | Comments Off on A Model of Cooperation and Teamwork For Healthcare – Unlocking Human Potential.

In the December 19, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Kelly M. Doran MD and her co-authors make the case that investment in social services such as education, housing and transportation have a marked positive impact on increased health quality and decreased health cost. They site studies supporting the “estimate that medical care accounts for only 10% of overall health, with social, environmental and behavioral factors accounting for the rest.” And of course, success in these arenas require enlightened policy and good government.

With the right conditions, is it possible to harness the energy and optimism of human beings, and positively impact future human potential. Give us 3 minutes of your valuable time (to view the video below), and we believe you will agree with us that the answer is “Yes”!


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