
Exploring Human Potential

Does Love Make You Warm All Over?


Mark Cuban: Obamacare Great For Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

Mike Magee You probably already know where I stand on this. I don’t like tying Americans’ health care insurance to employment. It’s not just that it was an accident of history back in the late 40’s or that no other advanced nation has followed our lead. It also has to do with a wide range […]

New Year’s Resolution: Discuss Elder Abuse With Your Extended Family.

Mike Magee As we approach New Year’s celebrations, reports now estimate that abuse of the world’s burgeoning elder populations affects anywhere from 4% to 10% of all seniors globally.(1) Considering that we are on the front end of exponential rises in the numbers of seniors, and considering that the abuses remain largely under the radar […]

Cleveland Clinic Weighs In On New Hypertension Guidelines.

This seems to be the season for treatment guidelines. First cholesterol and statins, now hypertension. Once again, the recommendations have created some clarity, but also confusion. To assist all in making sense of this latest directive, see below the insights of one of the nation’s premier cardiovascular centers of excellence, The Cleveland Clinic. SOURCE: CLEVELAND […]

When Patients Know More Than You Do: The Case For Knowledge Exchange.

Mike Magee The patient-physician relationship is a powerful source of social capital in the U.S. and around the world. In surveys of thousands of doctors and patients between 1998 and 2002, the relationship was viewed as second in importance only to family relationships and far outstripped relationships with religious leaders, employers, and a host of […]

mHealth Summit: Eyes On Funding Trends

John Farrell Dec 6, 2013 on Intel Health site: “For the past four years, I’ve watched thousands of health and technology influencers, developers, policy makers, business leaders, and others pack themselves into the mHealth Summit for a glimpse at the latest in mobile and wireless health technology. And why not? It’s a good time, and […]

Personalized Health Care in 2013: A Status Report on the Impact of Genomics

Ralph Snyderman M.D. Dr. Snyderman, Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University Health System, and champion of personalized and prospective health care, updates his vision and predicts where we are heading next. “As Chancellor for Health Affairs at Duke University in the latter part of the 1990s, I recognized emerging opportunities to abandon our reactive, sporadic, ‘one […]

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