
Exploring Human Potential

Aging Males and Gratitude.

Posted on | November 9, 2013 | 2 Comments

Mike Magee

The Boomer wave has arrived. And with it are literally millions of men and women transitioning from a structured workplace existence to a home based environment. For a large portion of the males, this is their first intense exposure to little ones and the day-to-day routine of family life. They were preoccupied in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s when their own children were growing up. Now – for the first time for many – they see up close what their wives did on their behalf….and it’s exhausting.

They’re learning as well that it is fascinating, intriguing, rewarding, and surprising. Did I mention exhausting. Yes, that too.

What is particularly fun are the surprises. Like an email from my son-in-law, Dave, sharing what Luca (farthest on the right above and closing in on three) said to him this evening:

Luca: “Did you know grampa is a doctor and he fixes people and makes them booboos all better and puts them pjs on and puts them to bed?”

Me: “wow, I did not know that”

Luca: “And him special”

Well here’s the truth, Lu. You and your eight cousins make me feel special – specialer than I have ever felt before. And I love each of you as much as I love your mother and fathers when they were little. It’s just that now, I have enough time to fully appreciate it.

Sleep tight Bella, Fiona, Lila, Amelia, Benjamin, Quinn, Andrew, Charlotte and Lila. Sleep tight. I love you, Grampa.


2 Responses to “Aging Males and Gratitude.”

  1. Tom Donoghue
    November 10th, 2013 @ 10:43 am

    Nicely said. There is nothing like grandkids to brighten our lives and keep us going.

  2. Mike Magee
    November 10th, 2013 @ 1:46 pm

    Thanks, Tom!

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