
Exploring Human Potential

Calling The Bluff On Senator Cruz – and 5 Reasons It’s A Safe Bet!

Mike Magee October 1st is tomorrow, the day enrollment for the new Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges begin. This includes state exchanges in the states which have elected to create state options, and the federal exchange everywhere else. The law is complicated and complex. All agree there will be bumps. But it will be […]

Steven Landers MD in JAMA: “Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care.”

“Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care. These include independence at home programs, accountable care organizations, bundled payments, patient-centered medical homes, and readmission reduction initiatives. These approaches incentivize physicians and hospitals to partner with HHAs to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and institutionalization while also avoiding marginal HHA […]

How The Ties Between Your Employer and Your Health Insurance Are Unraveling – and why that’s a good idea.

Mike Magee A series of highly publicized reports over the past few weeks have raised concerns that employer’s paternalistic involvement with your health and your health insurance is on a downslope. But is that really bad? Home Depot announced plans to shift 20,000 part-time (less than 30 hours a week) employees to government sponsored insurance […]

Only 19% Favor Defunding Obamacare If It Shuts Down Government.

With government funding set to run out on September 30, 2013, the Republican House last week passed a bill that would fund the government in return for defunding Obamacare. The House leadership said they were doing this to honor the wishes of Americans, who they say, in clear majorities, oppose Obamacare. But a poll conducted […]

Now That Google Health Is Gone, Will “Healthy Tech” Emerge?

Mike Magee Google Health, after some 16 quarters, threw up it’s hands and surrendered.(1) In so doing, it followed Steve Case’s move with Revolution Health. And then there’s Microsoft’s Health Vault, which is primarily a secure, if passive repository for yesterday’s information.(2) In its announcement, Google said: “In the coming months, we’re going to retire […]

Is Your Chobani Yogurt In The Fridge OK?

As of today, a total of 112 people reported getting sick from eating Chobani yogurt. That’s up from 89 on September 10, 2013. Chobani has recalled 91 varieties of its yogurt having product code 16-012, expiration dates September 11 and October 7. Problem: Major confusion how to read the label printed on the top Solution: […]

Virtue Ethics: “The US and Much Of The World Is Out Of Practice.” says…

Mike Magee While Russia and the US grapple with whether they will align in forging a diplomatic solution to Syria’s use of chemical weapons in the UN Security Council, the United Nations continues to deliberate on what should be the global Sustainable Development Goals for 2015 to 2030. The recently released UN report, “World Happiness […]

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