
Exploring Human Potential

CDC Speaks To Parents of Teens On Vaccinations.

Posted on | August 30, 2013 | Comments Off on CDC Speaks To Parents of Teens On Vaccinations.

CDC Speaks To Parents: Why Vaccinate Teens Now?

1. Vaccine protection from some childhood vaccines wears off, so your teen needs a booster shot.

2. As kids get older, they are more at risk for catching diseases, like meningococcal meningitis, so they need protection that vaccines provide.

3. The recommended immunization schedule is regularly updated to include new vaccines and reflect current research. So, it has probably changed since your child was first immunized.

4. Specific vaccines, like HPV, are recommended to be given during the preteen (11-12) years and teen (13-18) years.

Many children see their doctors or other health care professionals for physicals before participation in sports, camping events, travel, applying to college, and so on. All of these wellness check-ups provide a perfect opportunity to ask about vaccines for your preteen or teen.

Help protect your teen’s health by getting them vaccinated according to the recommended immunization schedule.

Which Vaccines Do Preteens and Teens Need, and When?

A booster to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Recommended for preteens (11-12), as well as any teens (13-18) who haven’t gotten this shot yet.

Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4)
Protects against meningococcal disease. First dose is recommended at age 11 or 12 followed by a booster (2nd shot) at age 16-18.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Protects against the types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers. HPV vaccine is given in 3 doses over 6-month period to boys and girls starting at 11-12 years old.

Influenza (flu) vaccine
Protects against different strains of seasonal influenza. A yearly dose is recommended for everyone 6 months and older.

Also, check to confirm that your teen has received all recommended childhood vaccines, or if they need to catch-up on any vaccines they have not yet received. Use the 2011 Recommended Immunizations Schedule below to help you check all recommended vaccines for your preteen or teen.


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