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End of An Era: AMA Announces Closure of American Medical News.

Posted on | August 14, 2013 | Comments Off on End of An Era: AMA Announces Closure of American Medical News.

For many physicians, the arrival of American Medical News in the mail was a welcome distraction from patient care or teaching responsibilities. It provided a unique summary of medical news and policy as well as a healthy dose of medical politics. For contributors to the content, its’ staff were accessible, professional and helpful in every way. The announcement this week of the AMA’s decision to close down the publication after a 55 year run signaled a significant recognition that the world was changing – has changed. The publication will be missed.

Here is the AMA’s announcement:

CHICAGO – The American Medical Association announced today that it will stop publishing American Medical News effective Sept. 9, 2013. AMA officials cited the decline of the business model for newspapers, including declining advertising revenues and the ongoing migration of readers to online and digital platforms as driving forces behind the decision.

“Over the last 10 years AM News has been unable to generate an operating surplus. We’ve analyzed the situation exhaustively and do not foresee the trend improving,” said Thomas J. Easley, Senior Vice President & Publisher, Periodic Publications. “Despite the editorial excellence AM News consistently provides, it is not immune to the changes in the market, and we reached a point where we cannot continue down a path that is not sustainable from a business perspective.”

The AMA said it will enhance its current in-house communication vehicles to ensure physicians continue to receive timely news relevant to the profession.

Launched in 1958, AM News has a current print circulation of 230,000. It has won numerous industry awards for reporting, writing and design. The closure affects 20 full-time AM News staff employees in Chicago, Washington and New Jersey.


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