
Exploring Human Potential

Preventing Elder Abuse: 5 Actions That Could Make A Difference.

Mike Magee In  2012 the Institute of Medicine convened a forum on global violence. In the report they noted that, “Although little discussion took place regarding violence against the elderly, some elements of the framework could apply to elder abuse.”(1) It should be no surprise to anyone that the care of elder Americans generates a […]

Is Our Health Technology Vision Underpowered?

Mike Magee In the lead up to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging, considerable focus was placed on the interface of aging and technology.  As the Conference approached, and an analysis of aging Boomers with high functionality and high expectations came front and center, the vision expanded and raised the question, “How might technology […]

The Health of Our Nation: From Uncle Tom’s Cabin To The Global Burden of Disease Report. A Week To Remember…

Mike Magee This past week the long awaited Global Burden of Disease update arrived. For the US, there was some evidence of progress, but still troubling signs that for all of our considerable investment in health care, the US population lags other nations in health.(1) The systematic approach taken in this study uses a measure […]

Ren: Goodness = Good Governance

Mike Magee In this post-July 4th period, we do well to revisit The Ren. Why?  We have a deep divide of opinion in our country that is visible and at times vitriolic. We have issues that should be manageable in a civil manner, like health coverage, or gun control, or financial regulation, that generate destructive […]

Low Fat Milk And The Shifting Winds of Evidence Based Medicine.

Mike Magee Reversals in medical science are not uncommon. As new evidence emerges, old tenets are easily discharged, and new “pillars of truth” adopted. It’s a necessary process, but confusing both for those who deliver care and those who receive it. Nutritional science is a perfect example of the phenomenon. Back in 1995, excess fat […]

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