
Exploring Human Potential

Poetry in Motion – Joy, Daring and Creativity – an Exercise In What’s Possible.

Posted on | April 22, 2013 | Comments Off on Poetry in Motion – Joy, Daring and Creativity – an Exercise In What’s Possible.

Mike Magee

In the wake of last week’s tragic events, my nephew Jon Sands writes:

For three years, I’ve been entrenched in a public art project (along with Samantha Thornhill, Elana Bell, Syreeta McFadden, Adam Falkner, and countless other NYC poets) geared toward shifting how we consider art in public spaces. Poets in Unexpected Places was featured in today’s New York Times. The Times, as well, made a video blog that puts you right on the Q train (or into the laundromat). Our goal is to play our part in rebranding the public arena with creativity: call it an exercise in what’ s possible. As we continue to build this movement, it would be HUGE (and so appreciated), if you would share it (either on social media, or to a loved one on a couch). And when you consider who could possibly read a poem next, please think: “What if it’s me?”




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