
Exploring Human Potential

Why Pick Up A Crying Baby?

Rocking Chair Project doctor during home visit. Mike Magee For the past decade, we’ve supported a 501C3 non-profit called the Rocking Chair Project. The effort has partnered with Family Medicine residents around the country who were able to identify economically disadvantaged moms about to give birth, and were willing to do a home visit within […]

Poetry in Motion – Joy, Daring and Creativity – an Exercise In What’s Possible.

Mike Magee In the wake of last week’s tragic events, my nephew Jon Sands writes: For three years, I’ve been entrenched in a public art project (along with Samantha Thornhill, Elana Bell, Syreeta McFadden, Adam Falkner, and countless other NYC poets) geared toward shifting how we consider art in public spaces. Poets in Unexpected Places was […]

Home-Cooking: Gender-Neutral and Too Important To Outsource.

Mike Magee Home may be “where the heart is”, but few would argue that it is currently “where the health is”. In America, we abhor homelessness, but we have historically been unusually tolerant of “healthlessness”. Many of us worked on the concept of “Medical Home” only to find it fall far short in its’ implementation. […]

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day!

National Healthcare Decisions Day Set for April 16, 2013…. Join Americans across the country in making their future healthcare decisions known to family, friends, and healthcare providers.   Share your wishes and complete your advance directive, because…YOUR DECISIONS MATTER.  Learn more about National Healthcare Decisions Day and get free information at

“Smokers Need Not Apply” – A Byproduct Of Employer Based Health Insurance

Mike Magee Enlightened employers around the world spend considerable time and resources assuring that the workplace in healthy and safe. They do so to maximize productivity, retention, worker satisfaction, and to limit liability and cost. Their efforts are guided and directed by informed legislation, administered with varying degrees of regulatory success. Employers in the US, […]

Eric Dishman Says “Health Care Should Be A Team Sport”: TED Talk

LINK TO TED TALK When Eric Dishman was in college, doctors told him he had 2 to 3 years to live. That was a long time ago. One rectified diagnosis and a transplant later, Dishman puts his personal experience and his expertise as a leading medical tech specialist together to suggest some bold ideas for […]

The Schindler Miconic 10 and Health Care Delivery

Mike Magee This week, at the invitation of Warren Hebert RN, CAE,  an RWJF Executive Nurse Fellow and the CEO of the Home Care Association of Louisiana, I had the honor of addressing the Southwest/Gulf Coast Regional Home Care Conference on the topic of Home-Centered Health Care. Just before the address I inserted a final […]

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