
Exploring Human Potential

Bed Bugs: A Chink In The Armor?

Mike Magee Back in  2010, Cimex lectularius was all the rage. Bed bugs –  nearly impossible to get rid of (having developed resistant to most insecticides); striking in the middle of the night and sucking your blood (you don’t feel the bite because the bug injects an anaesthetic and anticoagulent into your skin); and for leaving […]

Global Burden of Disease: 2012 Study Update – Where are we?

Mike Magee I was recently conversing with a group of public health students on the state of affairs throughout the world when the conversation wandered into the area of “Global Burden of Disease”. To my surprise, the level of knowledge and understanding of the term – its origins, purpose and intent – was highly variable. […]

Building A Relationship, Creating Proximity, and Treating Postpartum Depression: The Rocking Chair Project

Mike Magee This week, an important paper appeared in JAMA that drew the attention of my wife, Trish Magee, an early childhood educator, and me. The article focused on the study of postpartum depression with a special eye toward economically disadvantaged women.(1) We were interested for a number of reasons. First, between 1992 and 1997, […]

Empathy: Health Care Is Real – Real People, Real Problems, Real Care

Worth A Look: PRESS HERE

Great Technology: New Thermoplastic Makes 3-D Printed Skull Implants Possible

WIRED Reports: “OsteoFab is the coolest 3-D printed material you’d never want to use. Invented by plastics research firm Oxford Performance Materials (OPM), this first-of-its-kind polyketone can be used by 3-D printers to repair large sections of a damaged skull. It was recently cleared for use by the FDA and is being used in critical surgical procedures […]

Collapsing Databases: Consumer “Double-Checks” On Our Health Delivery System

Mike Magee In 2007, our organization, Positive Medicine Inc., advanced 7 visions which together, we predicted, would radically reshape health care as we knew it.(1)  One of those visions was titled Collapsing Databases. Results published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association show that we were right on the concept but […]

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