
Exploring Human Potential

Time To Pivot: Science Leaders (not government relations dept.’s) Must Assert Control and Republican Leaders Must Dump Norquist.

Mike Magee As we have seen over the past few days, science matters and Americans care for each other. Regarding science, you can deny the truth (as some have done with global warming), but that doesn’t change the reality. It simply delays dealing with it and makes us all more vulnerable to forces we might […]

Do We Need More Doctors? Maybe Not.

Mike Magee With the election just two weeks away, the status quo as a choice- whether it be Grover Norquist tax pledges, Congressional stalemate, underwater municipal bonds, or a century old health delivery model – would seem unwise in the extreme. Were we as a country to chose it, we would live to regret it. […]

Are We Humans Evolving, Why, and The Presidential Election.

Mike Magee If you were a Swede born in 1800, you would likely have viewed the world as a hostile place and human life as fragile and short lived. That was because life expectancy for Swedes was only 32 years, roughly where it had been for hunter-gatherers for many thousands of years. But by 1900, […]

Why Americans – and the Nurses and Doctors Who Care For Them – Are Dying In Increasing Numbers

Mike Magee For the first time in our nation’s history, annual deaths of Americans exceeded 2.5 million off of a baseline population of 314 million.(1) Before anyone shrieks with alarm, let me add that the rate of deaths per 100,000 people actually dropped to an all-time low. Why the discrepancy? Because the increase of 45,000 […]

Are Your Frail Loved Ones Safe? An Important New IOM Report.

Mike Magee The Institute of Medicine this week released a new report on elder abuse. As they state, “The Institute of Medicine Forum on Global Violence Prevention convened a workshop in spring 2012 …. Although little discussion took place regarding violence against the elderly, some elements of the framework could apply to elder abuse.”(1) I […]

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