
Exploring Human Potential

AMA Pledged To Educate The Public And Polity* – “Humanity Is Our Patient”.

Accessed: AMA Website, August 29, 2012 AMA Introduction of Document: Declaration of Professional Responsibility In the days following the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York in September 2001, thousands of physicians from around the country telephoned and e-mailed the AMA to offer their help, demonstrating their shared professional commitment to the health and well-being […]

Missouri Medicine’s Social Contract With Humanity – What Happened?

Mike Magee MD Is it the duty of a medical association to speak out on behalf of patients and the public when confronted with bad science and bad medicine?  What is Medicine’s social contract with humanity? This was the question addressed by Gary Pettett MD, a neonatologist and then president of the Missouri State Medical […]

AAFP Stands With Patients: Statement on Rep. Akin’s “Legitimate Rape”.

Congratulations to the American Academy of Family Physicians.  Yesterday the association stood up for patients and provided clear guidance to their physician members stating that Rep. Akin’s views on “legitimate rape” have “no biologic truth” to back them up. The full release is available at: Thanks AAFP for your leadership on behalf of America’s […]

The AMA, Rep. Akins “Legitimate Rape”, and Physician Leadership

Mike Magee At times like these, with Rep. Todd Akins “legitimate rape” remarks fresh in everyone’s minds, there is a natural tendency for Americans to turn to their respected leaders to re-establish sanity and reassure the public that we have not completely lost either our judgement or sense of civility. And so, we’ve heard the […]

Part Of The Debate: Maternity Leave

The Presidential Debate: Race, Class, and Health

Mike Magee With the selection of Paul Ryan by Governor Romney, pundits are predicting a real ideologic battle come November. The choice we’ll be debating will likely be about what kind of America we want, and will certainly deal with race, class and health. What will be the quality of the debate? Hopefully, well-informed. Let’s […]

Minimally Disruptive Medicine: The Burden of Treatment vs. The Burden of Disease

Mike Magee At the core, the Affordable Care Act is equal parts rights and responsibilities. For the historic expansion of health services as a human right, we Americans will demand in return that citizens act responsibly. Defining individual, family, community and societal responsibility is complex. Doing so while continuing to honor the delicate patient-health professional […]

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