
Exploring Human Potential

“Active Evolution”: The Supreme Court Can’t Turn Back Time.

Mike Magee As we await the Supreme Court’s decision on Health Reform, many hospitals, insurers and health professional leaders have said a negative decision will “not matter”. Their point is – like it or not – the health care world is changing. We are in a state of “active evolution”.  And the opponents of President […]

Conflict of Interest and Positive Leadership- When History Repeats.

Mike Magee One of the good things about getting older – at least for writers – is that stories reappear from the past but with a different twist. In fact, when stories reappear, frequently they come in two’s or three’s, and the new story is at the intersection. Here’s an example from this week. Eric […]

Is Mitt Romney (Like George W. Bush) Going To Throw Science Under The Bus?

Mike Magee MD Last year, American women took advantage of emergency contraception in the United States over 12 million times.(1) That’s a steep increase over prior years. What it means is that these women decided to use contraception, albeit after sexual intercourse, rather than conceive an unwanted child. It also means that some of these […]

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