
Exploring Human Potential

Is Health Care Spending Declining In America?

Mike Magee Election aside, the data is now coming in on our heath care economy for 2012. According to a recent report by the Health Care division at Pricewaterhouse Coopers,  our health care spending will grow by 7.5 percent next year. This is a slower rate of medical growth than in the recent past. Credit […]

Pointy Stick Prodding For Quality Health Care Access: The Case For Retail Pharmacy Clinics

Mike Magee This past week, I heard my effort to offer “constructive insights” on a Board described by a fellow member as being jabbed with a pointy stick. Geeze, I thought I had mellowed! All I said was that retail pharmacy clinics deliver a good product, that “virtual minute clinics” as extension arms of the […]

IOM Live Chat Today With CDC Leader

Obesity is common, serious, and costly, and it affects every region of the U.S. During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States This complex and growing epidemic is confronted in “Weight of the Nation”, a four part series airing now on HBO. The documentary was developed […]

How Will The 2012 Election Affect Scientific Progress And Leadership In America?

Mike Magee I’ve been following the policy and scientific issues related to stem cells pretty closely for over a decade. During my tenure as director of the Pfizer Medical Humanities Initiative, it was about pushing back inside a scientific company bending over backwards not to offend the Bush administration. On the research and discovery side, […]

Obesity Prevention: HBO, IOM, CDC, NIH and The White House Go Public May 14 and 15.

Mike Magee Health Commentary has been focused on the challenge of obesity for over a decade. The facts have been clear. But the will to deal effectively with this crisis has been spotty at best. The costs are rising – in financial, human, social and cultural capital – and weighing us down in a thousand […]

Intergenerational Caring: When Caring Flows Up, Learnings Flow Down.

Mike Magee This afternoon I’ll be flying to Seattle to deliver a keynote tomorrow to the American Academy of Home Care Physicians at The American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting. One of my messages will be to “reconnect the American family”. By that I mean to encourage multigenerational mutual caring, learning, and committment. Stated another way, […]

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