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Leaders From Health Care and Business to Discuss New Efforts to Achieve Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs in the United States

Posted on | April 27, 2012 | Comments Off on Leaders From Health Care and Business to Discuss New Efforts to Achieve Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs in the United States

Upcoming  Media Teleconference Draws on Examples from Newly Published Book, Pursuing The Triple Aim

WHAT: The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will host a media briefing on May 4th to describe groundbreaking new approaches to health care delivery in the US, many of which reflect a growing consensus among local and multiple stakeholders that “business as usual” in health care is no longer sustainable or acceptable.  The discussion coincides with publication of Pursuing the Triple Aim: Seven Innovators Show the Way to Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs (April 2012, Jossey-Bass) by IHI President and CEO Maureen Bisognano and leading health care author Charles Kenney. The book chronicles innovations currently underway in several states aimed at greater coordination of care and better outcomes for diverse populations. These new models, the authors suggest, are critical and deserve to be studied and built upon by other communities and the country as a whole.

WHO: Participants in the media briefing will include:

  • ·         Maureen Bisognano, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement; co-author, Pursuing the Triple Aim
  • ·         Charles Kenney, leading health care author; co-author, Pursuing the Triple Aim
  • ·         Jack Cochran, MD, Executive Director, Permanente Federation
  • ·         George Kerwin, President and CEO, Bellin Health
  • ·         Richard Lopez, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Atrius Health
  • ·         Patricia A. McDonald, Vice President, Technology and Manufacturing Group, and Director, Product Health Enhancement Organization, Intel
  • ·         Michael O’Connell, Vice President, Planning and Marketing, Mount Auburn Hospital
  • ·         Rebecca Ramsay, CareSupport Manager, CareOregon
  • ·         Brian H. Rank, MD, Medical Director, HealthPartners Medical Group

WHEN: Friday, May 4th

2:00 – 3:00 pm (ET)

CONTACT: For more information or to register, please contact Liz Kidder, Goodman Media International, 576-2700 x239.


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