
Exploring Human Potential

Affordable Care Act: Remembering How We Got Here…And Where We’ll Likely Go Next If Rejected.

Kathleen Sebelius US Secretary, Health and Human Services Several weeks ago the nation tuned into a renewed vigorous debate regarding health care reform fueled by the Supreme Court’s review of challenges to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. While the final outcome of these deliberations are yet to be revealed, what we do know […]

Leaders From Health Care and Business to Discuss New Efforts to Achieve Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs in the United States

Upcoming  Media Teleconference Draws on Examples from Newly Published Book, Pursuing The Triple Aim WHAT: The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will host a media briefing on May 4th to describe groundbreaking new approaches to health care delivery in the US, many of which reflect a growing consensus among local and multiple stakeholders that “business as usual” […]

Autism Advocacy Beginning To Pay Off: Will Others Benefit As Well?

Mike Magee We live in an age of advancing health consumerism. What began as a declaration of empowerment, has matured through direct and indirect education of the consumer public, and has been reinforced by active involvement, engagement and activism. This growth and evolution has been spotty (more evident in those who are educated, insured, and […]

Open Advice to AAMC 51st RIMA Meeting Planners

Will two college professors soon “eat your lunch”? Mike Magee On November 2, 2007, the Association of American Medical Colleges will convene the 51st National Research In Medical Education conference at its 123rd Annual Meeting. February 20, 2012 was the deadline for submissions which will shape the content for the meeting.(1) The 2012 lead initiatives […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day Is Here – Act Today!

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day.  I have had a talk about advance care planning with my loved ones.  Have you?  Free information, forms, tools, and an incredible video are at: Do it today.

What Can 4 Million Old Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Teach Us?

Mike Magee Over the years, I’ve had exposure to basic science researchers focused on infectious diseases both in academia and industry. In both environments, I witnessed legitimate concern regarding the inappropriate and overuse of antibiotics and the link to increasing resistance to antibiotics among human pathogens. The issues include exposing patients to long term danger, […]

Peter W. Carmel M.D., AMA President, Pleased With Direction Of Medicare ACO’s

Peter W. Carmel, M.D., President of the American Medical Association sees the current direction with Accountable Care Organizations and advanced payment models as positive for both physicians and their patients. Here’s what he had to say this week: “We are extremely pleased that a majority of the 27 newest Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) announced today […]

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