
Exploring Human Potential

The Future of Health Reform – as The Supreme Court Decision Looms.

Mike Magee Anyone with even a fleeting interest in Health Care Policy had eyes and ears focused on the three days of testimony earlier this week before the Supreme Court. Up for grabs is the future of the Affordable Care Act. The arguments for and against were pretty high minded – Can you say “Liberty”? […]

3rd International Society of Advanced Care Planning and End of Life Care Conference

3rd International Society of Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care Conference Chicago, USA, May 31-June 2, 2012. ACPEL’s third annual conference is looking to be one of the most successful yet, with international speakers of a high calibre and industry colleagues congregating from around the world. We encourage you to attend to access […]

200th Anniversary of the New England Journal of Medicine

Mike Magee The New England Journal of Medicine this year celebrates its 200th anniversary. When I first arrived in rural Massachusetts with my family in 1978 (fresh out of surgical training at the University of North Carolina), I was embraced by a physician on the Medical Staff at our 100 bed hospital, Percy Wadman MD. […]

Health Care Reform – A Reasonable Risk: Building On 75 Years Of Progress

Mike Magee With the Presidential Election just around the corner in the U.S., jobs and the economy are the #1 issue on most voters lists – but healthcare is right behind because healthcare is a huge job creator and has a huge impact on national and individual economies. Of course the big debate in healthcare […]

25 Facts Every Health Professional Should Know About Water

Mike Magee With WORLD WATER DAY 2012 just around the corner (March 22, 2012), how much do doctors, nurses and other health professionals know about water? Here are “25 Facts Every Health Professional Should Know About Water”: 1. Water is essential to all life. 2. Oceans, surface water and ground water are interconnected and interdependent. […]

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