
Exploring Human Potential

Concussions in 8 to 11 Year Old’s Is 8X Higher In Football Than In Other Sports

Posted on | February 22, 2012 | 2 Comments

ESPN Reports: NFL Veterans Saying No To Football For Their Kids


2 Responses to “Concussions in 8 to 11 Year Old’s Is 8X Higher In Football Than In Other Sports”

  1. Marina May
    February 22nd, 2012 @ 12:04 pm

    Hello Healthcommentary,
    This might be off topic, however, So I am 20 years old, and I have had 3 concussions. One from someone landing on my head in football, one from snowboarding and one from a head to head collision in rugby. these have happened over the course of 2-3 years, I cannot remember the exact dates of the first 2. I did not go to the doctor, which was stupid on my end, for any of them.

    The last one, from rugby, I got in my first game of a tournament, i continued playing and it just got worse over the day, i pulled myself out for the last game. after that i didnt do anything physically for about 3-4 months. that was the worst one i got.

    then the other day my dad was reading something in the news paper about a kid who had a lot of concussions in high school and his grades were suffering, which happened with me in college. once i got the second concussion, things started to go south for me. i feel like my attention span is way shorter, but i also am close to being kicked out of school after i was in the top 10% of my hs class. do you think it could be linked to my concussions?

  2. Mike Magee
    February 23rd, 2012 @ 9:35 am

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