
Exploring Human Potential

How Long Will I Live And How Much Will It Cost?

Mike Magee People are getting older and they want to age in place at home. No news there! But in the past the weight of financing this choice fell heavily on the shoulders of families who provided a large portion of the dollars and the heavy lifting as part of the unpaid informal family caregiver […]

Will Nurse Practitioners Fill The Primary Care Gap?

Mike Magee The air has been thick in the past few weeks with articles about an impending doctor shortage – especially primary care doctors. But for leading nurse practitioners, the current conditions spell opportunity not threat.(1) Take Patricia Dennehy RN NP for example. She is the director of GLIDE Health Services in San Francisco and […]

Concussions in 8 to 11 Year Old’s Is 8X Higher In Football Than In Other Sports

ESPN Reports: NFL Veterans Saying No To Football For Their Kids

While Psychiatrists Battle Over DSM Classification Of Grief, Everyday People Struggle To Put Death In Perspective.

Mike Magee Disagreements are common among psychiatrists. And no debate more reliably leads to an intellectual brawl than the classification of psychiatric illnesses in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). This week’s controversy, summarized in an editorial in the Lancet, is whether grief and bereavement reactions should be classified as a major […]

Dan Rather Interviews Don Berwick

Tuesday, February 14 at 8:00 p.m. ET Some see the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare” as the President’s biggest vulnerability in this election year, but Don Berwick tells Dan Rather that our country had better come to grips with our health care crisis, and that this much maligned bill may be the solution. “It’s a […]

Helping Kids On Steroids: “Big Dreams” vs. “Getting Big”

Mike Magee With the Super Bowl now in our tail lights, all that remains of this year’s NFL season are images of high performing, super-powerful, super-large, super-fast humans, and an equally large number of older retired players dealing with a range of disabilities that restrict quality of life. For a portion of this later group, […]

Insurance Coverage For Birth Control – Time For Catholic Women and Their Doctors To Correct My Father’s Sins.

Mike Magee As one of 12 children created by Catholic parents – a physician father and a teacher mother – I found it remarkably odd (bizarre even) that they would leave us with a baby sitter on  Wednesday night to go out to give a lecture to Catholic couples on the value of the “Rhythm […]

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