
Exploring Human Potential

Hcom Holiday Gift: Enjoy This Video!

Posted on | December 3, 2011 | Comments Off on Hcom Holiday Gift: Enjoy This Video!


The International Child’s Art Foundation (ICAF), a 5O1C3 charitable organization, is a pioneer in children’s art and creativity,  supported by creative and empathic learners and leaders. Ashfaq Ishaq saw a connection between children’s creativity and fostering peace, and published his observations in Lancet in 2006. This summer the ICAF hosted the World Children’s Festival 2011 in Washington, DC.

Why ICAF in their own words?

“In response to the tragedy of September 11, 2001, International Child’s Art Foundation developed a unique and effective methodology for creative interventions with children victimized by manmade conflicts. These interventions tap into children’s innate creative resources so they can imagine their enemy as human beings not so different from themselves and hence begin to visualize peaceful co-existence. The overarching goal is to reduce the transmission of trauma and hatred from the current generation to the future one. The program develops empathy through art and imparts leadership skills so children can co-create a peaceful future for their communities.”


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