
Exploring Human Potential

New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights”

Mike Magee As the nation returns to school, New Jersey is adjusting to a new law called the “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights”. (1) It was passed in the wake of public outcry over the death last year of Rutgers freshmean, Tyler Clementi. Under the provision, all schools in the state must have aggressive anti-bullying policies […]

ACO’s – Rise or Fall – 2012 Will Be A Telling Year.

Mike Magee One year ago, health policy expert John Iglehart recently wrote, “One of the few major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with solid bipartisan support establishes a new delivery model: the accountable care organization (ACO). Congress directed the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to develop an ACO program to improve […]

Will Doctors and Hospitals Accept Help From Watson? For Many The Answer Is No.

Mike Magee I’ve said many times that the American Health Care System is “intentionally dis-integrated”. By this I mean that the powers that be – doctors and their organizations, hospitals and hospital systems, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, insurers and others – will do almost anything to avoid national rationalization of health care and the […]

In Down Market, Health Is Hiring: Emphasis On Character

Mike Magee It seems that this is the “Summer of Flame and Blame” when it comes to our economy. Bickering has replaced governance; S&P downgrades America’s AAA rating but felt Lehman’s A rating was fine and dandy the day before it fell off the map; and the market is crashing today with the possibility we’re […]

NIH Leader Francis Collins Optimistic For Science

VIDEO INTERVIEW : NIH DIRECTOR Francis Collins MD SOURCE:  USA Today “Dr. Francis Collins sees a world of possibilities with medicine and the light-speed advances that await mankind. A universal flu shot? Ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S.? A human genome map as part of everyday patient care? Why not? The physician-geneticist, guiding hand of the international Human […]

Avoiding PERC (and your Dry Cleaner) – A Win, Win, Win.

Mike Magee Looking for a win, win, win? What about something that will save you money, protect our environment, and protect human health. Let’s talk dry cleaners.(1) First, let me say, I can afford to go to a dry cleaner, although I don’t have as much need for them as I once did. But the […]

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