
Exploring Human Potential

GE Healthcare On The Move: New App Visualizes US Health Status Variability

Posted on | May 7, 2011 | Comments Off on GE Healthcare On The Move: New App Visualizes US Health Status Variability

App Demo

John Dineen, president and CEO of GE Healthcare believes, “Variance is evil. It is bad for your health, it is bad for your local doctor’s business, and it is bad for the U.S. health care system….[T]he fundamental driver of cost and quality problems in healthcare is the inconsistency of delivery and outcomes region-to-region, state-to-state, and even hospital-to-hospital.” What’s GE Healthcare doing about? One response has been to fund a new iPhone App available at iTunes.

GE’s new iPad app was produced by Fathom Information Designs in Cambridge, MA. It lets users explore a vast array of data on Americans’ health – from life expectancy to incidence of disease to access to medical care. Organized into detailed maps of the U.S., the app allows you to compare high blood pressure rates in a specific town or county to unemployment, depression, toxic chemical exposure, cancer rates, and more.


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