
Exploring Human Potential

10 IT Messages That Every Health CEO Should Read

Mike Magee Message 1: IT is the foundation for all future businesses. Message 2: How you manage IT is critical to your competitiveness. Why? Service, supply, efficiency, reproducible outcomes, verification, scalability, timeliness, decision support, productivity, mobility, market penetrance, retention, continuous improvement…and running in place. Message 3: You’re not running IT – but you are responsible […]

FEATURED VIDEO: Commonwealth Fund – College Grads Can Now Stay Insured

Sara Collins Featured Video Here Tens of thousands of young adults will be graduating from high school and college in the next month. In years past, they automatically would have been kicked off their parents’ health insurance plans upon graduation. Now, of course, they can stay on their parents’ plans until they turn age 26. […]

The Pull and Push of Personalized Health Care

Ralph Snyderman ORIGINAL SOURCE My interest in personalized health care began approximately a dozen years ago when as Chancellor for Health Affairs at Duke University, I realized that emerging sciences and technologies were creating medical capabilities never before known. Through the power of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, systems biology, and bioinformatics, one could begin to predict […]

Health Workforce Plans: Fuzzy Futures?

Mike Magee Workforce Issues in health care have become a health policy career track over the past two decades. The issue has been studied and re-studied, usually as an addendem to the status-quo. The most recent study, from the Alliance for Health Reform with the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation goes a bit […]

The Power of Words

People make a difference, and words do matter. Press Here

Slaying The “Death Panel” Bull: Taking Control of Your End-of-Life Decisions

Mike Magee This Saturday, April 16, 2011 is National Healthcare Decisions Day – a day set aside to encourage families throughout America to discuss with each other how much care and what kind of care they would like as they approach the end of their lives.(1)  Why advanced planning? Because there is a good chance […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day Set for April 16, 2011

Join Americans across the country in making their future healthcare decisions known to family, friends, and healthcare providers.   Share your wishes and complete your advance directive, because…YOUR DECISIONS MATTER.  Learn more about National Healthcare Decisions Day and get free information at

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