
Exploring Human Potential

How Can We Help Michelle Obama Reverse Childhood Obesity?

Posted on | March 29, 2011 | 1 Comment

Mike Magee

Lawrence Gostin, a global health law expert from Georgetown University, in 2007, made the case for greater government involvement in addressing obesity to control the preventable death and disability it causes. He said, “If the problem were related to pathogens, tobacco, or lead paint, most would support aggressive measures to protect innocent individuals from hazards created by others.”(1)  Back then obesity rates were rising in 31 states, and childhood obesity rates had more than doubled over the prior 25 years. (2,3,4) Today it’s much worse. (5)


One Response to “How Can We Help Michelle Obama Reverse Childhood Obesity?”

  1. Shelia Fleming
    April 10th, 2011 @ 11:27 pm

    Childhood obesity is a growing issue that will have long term effects on individual’s health. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will require chain restaurants and vending machines to list the number of calories next to each menu item. Making this information available will allow people to make informed decisions when eating in our fast paced environment. If parents use this information to help guide choices childhood obesity can be positively impacted.

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