
Exploring Human Potential

Epilepsy Advocate Radio Launched

Posted on | March 29, 2011 | Comments Off on Epilepsy Advocate Radio Launched

Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans and while many of them will lead successful, independent lives, one-third will continue to struggle to find treatment options to control seizures.

Epilepsy Advocate Radio is a resource for people living with epilepsy that offers inspirational stories and commentary from real life people who are living well with epilepsy.  Epilepsy Advocate Radio is offered by Epilepsy Advocate—a community of people and their families living with epilepsy.

This year, Epilepsy Advocate Radio focuses on an important theme – “OK is Not Good Enough!” – meaning that people living with epilepsy should strive for seizure freedom and minimal side effects as the goal in their treatment.

The first show of this series is now available on  Specific topics include:

  • Moving away from home to attend college and gain independence.
  • Achieving seizure control and major life milestones.
  • Working with your doctor to get the most out of your epilepsy treatment and achieve life goals beyond seizure management.

To listen, go to


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