
Exploring Human Potential

Understanding Miscarriage: What To Say and What Not To Say

Posted on | March 23, 2011 | Comments Off on Understanding Miscarriage: What To Say and What Not To Say

Mike Magee

Pregnancy can be an exciting and happy time for potential parents. But when something goes wrong and miscarriage is a result, recovery can be difficult. It’s not so much the physical problems as the emotional ones. With about 1 million known miscarriages out of 6 million U.S. pregnancies each year, a startling number of expectant parents are left devastated – without knowing who to turn to or what to think.(1)Even though most miscarriages occur before 13 weeks of pregnancy, it’s normal for the parents to have already established a deep connection to the unborn child.(2) Friends and family members might not be able to fully understand this, so the pain and grief can be very isolating.


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