
Exploring Human Potential

Kaiser Family Foundation Challenges You To A Quiz On Health Reform

Posted on | March 15, 2011 | Comments Off on Kaiser Family Foundation Challenges You To A Quiz On Health Reform

Rakesh Singh, Kaiser Family Foundation

As the one-year anniversary of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act approaches, the Kaiser Family Foundation has created an Interactive Quiz on the Health Reform Source that allows users to test their knowledge about what’s in – and what’s not in — the health reform law.
Quiz takers can compare their results to the general public, which was asked the same series of 10 questions in one of the Foundation’s recent Monthly Health Tracking Polls. The quiz also includes links to more information about specific provisions of the law.
The Foundation has also enhanced its Health Reform Implementation Timeline to highlight those provisions of the law that are already in effect or are in the process of being implemented. The enhanced timeline also includes a new feature that links to relevant government regulations and guidance available in the Foundation’s Official Document Finder and summaries of reports and studies in the Source’s Scan feed.
The Foundation’s Health Reform Source, an online gateway providing easy access to new and comprehensive resources on the health reform law, has a variety of other tools and features focused on explaining the law. Navigate through two new Health Reform Infographics on the “individual mandate” and how people get coverage under reform. Watch an animated video featuring the YouToons explaining how the law works. Peruse through data from the latest Kaiser Tracking polls, scan through a list of FAQs, read the latest health reform headlines from Kaiser Health News, and get access to the latest policy analysis from the Foundation.


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