
Exploring Human Potential

Amedisys Chief Medical Officer, Michael Fleming MD, endorses End-Of-Life Health Decision Planning On The Anniversary of Terri Schiavo’s Death.

“It may seem daunting to talk about end-of-life health care preferences; however, not having this conversation with loved ones is just as daunting when you consider the negative emotional impact on those who have to make decisions for their loved ones,” said Dr. Michael Fleming, chief medical officer of Amedisys. “This is a heart-wrenching decision […]

Oregon’s Opportunity for Innovating Aging: A City Club Follow Up

Eric Dishman Last week I had the honor of speaking to the City Club of Portland, an organization founded in 1916 to highlight the diverse opinions, issues, and talents of local leaders and organizations. I often hear their Friday Forums on Oregon Public Broadcasting radio while I am driving home from work, so it was […]

How Can We Help Michelle Obama Reverse Childhood Obesity?

Mike Magee Lawrence Gostin, a global health law expert from Georgetown University, in 2007, made the case for greater government involvement in addressing obesity to control the preventable death and disability it causes. He said, “If the problem were related to pathogens, tobacco, or lead paint, most would support aggressive measures to protect innocent individuals […]

Epilepsy Advocate Radio Launched

Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans and while many of them will lead successful, independent lives, one-third will continue to struggle to find treatment options to control seizures. Epilepsy Advocate Radio is a resource for people living with epilepsy that offers inspirational stories and commentary from real life people who are living well with […]

Maximizing Health Care Enrollment through Seamless Coverage for Families in Transition: Current Trends and Policy Implications

» Policy Brief This policy brief reviews the literature on the prevalence of uninsurance caused by work or life transitions, including loss of or change in a job, a reduction in work hours, divorce or legal separation, loss of dependent status, a disability or the death of a family member.  The brief also provides initial recommendations […]

House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee Meeting Today on Affordable Care Act

The House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee will hold a hearing at 2 p.m. EDT in the Capitol Visitor Center on the positive impact of the Affordable Care Act on creating jobs, lowering health care costs, the role of community health centers and rural access to quality care. More information:

Understanding Miscarriage: What To Say and What Not To Say

Mike Magee Pregnancy can be an exciting and happy time for potential parents. But when something goes wrong and miscarriage is a result, recovery can be difficult. It’s not so much the physical problems as the emotional ones. With about 1 million known miscarriages out of 6 million U.S. pregnancies each year, a startling number of […]

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